No. for Sale: 21
Breed: Hol/Fr
Ltrs/Cow: 7000
Herd Kg/Ms: 548
Herd Fat %: 4.25
Herd Protein %: 3.35
Vaccinations: IBR, BVD, Lepto
Due To Calve: Nov-Dec
In Calf To: Sexed Holstein & A Angus
Stock Description: A group of unselected in calf heifers, part of herd dispersal. Nice well grown heifers, mostly sired by Holsteins out of Friesian type cows. The heifers are due now onwards 4 due Nov, 14 due Dec and 4 early Jan. 9 are in calf to sexed Holstein and 12 in calf to A Angus Ai. These heifers are located in the blue tongue zone and therefore will need pre and post movement tests.
Production Capacity: The herd is achieving over 7000 litres on a simple grass and grass silage parlour feed system. The genetics are there to achieve higher yields on a more intensive system.
Age & Lactation: The heifers will be calving down at 25 - 29 months of age.
TB Status: The herd is in the edge area, 12 month testing with the herd passing a full herd test earlier in the year. There has been no past issues with tb.
Health Status: The heifers are from a herd that induvial Johnes tests and none are out of known Johnes cows. The herd is vaccinated for Ibr, Bvd and Lepto. The heifers are located in the BT zone and will need pre and post movement testing.
Unique Selling Point: Nice homebred group of unselected heifers bred to mature into medium stature cows. 9 in calf to sexed Holstein Ai.